Saturday, December 19, 2009
Anyways i had the best time on stage that day after KJ Somaya college show, we had grown musically. It was i guess our time to show off! :P
This all started off after we got a reality check after launch pad when Vishal and the other judges gave us some constructive criticism and i guess we took it, don't know what made us think (i guess we started taking the band seriously). When the rock on! thing happened we were just going with the flow and reach cloud no.9 (energy drink) in our own little head... after that it was seriousness throughout and they all hated me for pushing them every weekend at the jam room, i was the usual pesky guy trying to get more punch in our songs.... it was a collective effort from all 3, the reason i'm not saying 4 is because the drummer is by far the best musician in the band and one talented guy.....
Radio has 4 different individuals each with different taste in life...
Sharad is a lover (stfu and don't deny) he listens to house music hip-hop and Doors.. he plays the guitar and does the vocals. He's a CA by profession and we fight most of the time in the jam room...
Jack is the most chilled out guy in the band he listens to almost all music and he appreciates every musician. Hes my elder brother and he's awsome at it.. DigitalKids is his side project and its making it big in the underground scene....
Terry is this huge guy who plays guitar and does auditing for big firms (hes also a CA)..a movie fanatic and also a lover :P (he's gona kill me for this)..anyways i've known this buger since my school and we get along pretty well, he and i has a side project called Sloth and we'll be hitting the studios pretty soon once he comes from NAA SICK \m/
Then there is me ( u don't need to know bout me)
We are recording out 1st album which should have been done in August i guess but we had our heads stuck up our asses we din't actually felt ready to hit the studios and now we are recording day in and day out perfecting our music as how we want it....
some more on the band next time
---The Bassist---
Saturday, December 5, 2009
A Little Some People You Should Know

RADIO played at SWAT the other day and it was a good show as usual. Playing in Bandra brought back memories you know, the kind that makes you wonder, “How did I come to be here?”
Seven years of playing music and I now feel it’s just been hyped up too much. There’s no outer body experience or ultra satisfaction involved. It’s a job, like every other job. So why did I stick around for this long. And the answer to my question was on that very stage with me – the brothers.
Aditya & Alok, or the brothers as I call them have been with me since school days. I remember first hanging out with Adi when he used to still formally call me Terence and I hated Alok for being the pesky character that he always was. We were learners, audiences, moshers, head-bangers, metal-heads, wannabes and everything that every youngster goes through at that time. I wasn’t in a band back then so it would be needless to say out friendship was built up on Music & jamming. It was pure fun and masti.
We went to Bandra almost every day, hogged Chinese almost every night and partied wherever we would get a chance to party. It was the year 2002 when I lost touch with them cause of my studies which excellently interrupted time & again. I bumped into Adi one afternoon on my way back from college on that bridge at Santacurz station. What better place to meet a friend you’d think.
Well we were back to partying, chilling, shopping and doing all the useless things that any youngster mustn’t do. But Adi was now a drummer for a Rock Band which was a huge deal and Alok had started to play guitars for other bands and I was their friend who they took along for shows. Time flew by, break ups happened, Adi used to sit next to me in P&T Colony as I sat and cried about girls and love and happiness and all the abstract things that today find themselves in RADIO lyrics.
As for RADIO I don’t know how it came to happen but I think Adi agreed to join in considering the fact I was his friend, RADIO sucked back then so we would simply have fun jamming, no commitments, no strings attached & lots of booze. Alok joined in that very December when we performed at Kshitij. Then I didn’t quite approve of him in the band. I was like, “RADIO, Alok is not not the types” etc. etc.
Time flew by and my small little rock band which was made up of friends I knew even before I could spell Slipknot were my flanks and I started to realize how lucky I was. I realized this on stage at SWAT.
I looked at Adi and didn’t just see a drummer out there, but a true professional, so skilled, so dynamic, so stylish and full of grace. He need not struggle on his instrument or bother with his timing. Woh jab jahaan joh bajaa deta hain wohi gaana ban jaata hain. That is what gifted musicians come with…a gift. I don’t remember a single show where no one has come up to me and said, “Hey your drummer rocks.” And I’m like, “Aditya, he’s ma frnd….come I’ll make ya meet him”. I remember girls wanting to know him, guys wanting to hang out with him, he was a sports fan, he was a movie freak, he was a foodie, he loved to booze, wore amazing t – shirts and most of all ‘Made music not just played it.’
Alok on the other hand is a rebel. The world to him is a mirage, apocalypse if the 12th of June and guitars are something that can be perfected time and again and again. He is the best critic I have ever come across and those who know me will be amazed I’ve awarded this title to someone else but me. He will talk to me about anything and anyone and man does he know how to become a girl’s best friend. Alok has a very natural way of bass play; in that he doesn’t attempt to play, doesn’t goof up and somehow steals all the tech awards post every show. He is not as quiet as he is in real life on stage. He blows up into some machine and goes zooming from one end to the other.
The reason I write this article is that I owe these two guys a lot. I owe them all the guitar playing I know today. I owe them all the shows I’ve played, all the times I pulled myself back up after being broken, I owe them the feeling that no matter what happens I have another side of the fence to jump on to and they will cut open a gap in it for me. When I’m on stage with them, I’m not playing with a very skilled duo but with those two guys who hung out with me way back in school days and in days at TT and in days at Mikhail’s and Veeru’s and in days at JATC and in days when I first picked up a guitar and played With Arms Wide Open.
They are two people who can tell me I am wrong here and there, they can ask me to do anything for them, ask me to change, to remain, to break things and to relax. With them on stage I don’t care who is watching, I don’t care who has something to fact I’m least bothered.
I should’ve written this a long time ago, but I think we need to sometimes take a break on your fast lane and stop and wonder who you are travelling with. And there, at that moment, when you know you’ve crossed a lot of your journey with no hassle whatsoever, you have that passenger to thank for all the company he kept you in. I have Aditya & Alok to thank for everything…for being the best musicians in the world, for being the most amazing drinking buddies in the world, for being the most beautiful people I know and most of all…for being themselves.
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Rock. Love. Revolution - Part 1
We have become too lazy, impatient, confused, greedy & stingy to give even two minutes of our time to sit back and appreciate a good piece of art/music. And it wont be long till the time we find no good music out there...
For all of us music is such an integral part of life...what would you dance to at parties?what would you sing to your lover?what helps you get through a difficult situation or eases your pain?
what makes you believe?
For me music has been my life...
And thats the reason why it hurts me too see it fading away...
The reason why I am writing this is because I have been on the other side...where I am a artist..and there are few things which both sides can do to revive this..
To the Fans/Listeners/Supporters:
1. If you want to support the band/artist you like - BUY THE much do you pay?100?200?300?400? trust me it might seem a lot for something you can download for free from the internet, but the downloads are killing artists all over the doesn't cost more than a night out...and its something which you can hold/possess for a lifetime!
2. If you cant afford it, its alright...but when you are downloading make sure you do it from the bands website/myspace link as most of the artists put it up for download on their web page, and if you like it then make sure to leave a comment there...its the least you could do to support the artist..
3. Full time Musicians have only 3 sources of income - Sales of CD/Royalty, Composing for ads/movies and live shows. If you are an organizer Please pay the artists well...for how long you will make them perform for free?? Thats why they end up quitting this line...And for the crowd, don't expect all concerts to be for free!
4. Support Original Music - Don't make the artist just cover other famous artists...might as well listen to them on you Mp3 player!What you can do is when you are going for a local bands concert/show, make sure you listen to their music online or buy the CD so that you are familiar with them beforehand, and Sing Along! Trust me its ecstatic when the crowd wants to hear your number and when they sing with you...
5. Criticize but don't kill the artist! Its very easy to sit at your home and write crap about some band and be unknown to them! I think those people are fucking cowards! If you really wanna be helpful please put it up in a nice manner...everybody learns as they move along and would really appreciate you if you put it in a right context...and then I am sure they will understand it even better..
6. Last but not the least - support Indian Artists! If you are an Indian, then this is YOUR team...if you cant support it then might as well get out of the stadium!I am not saying stop listening to foreign music, even i am a big fan of theirs...but Indian artists need more support from you...
Artists tend to put your heart and soul into making a song or performing on stage...
Please don't let them fade away...
Read the second part also if you are an artist...
Listen to our music online at -
And do support us when we come out with our first album!!:-)
Rock. Love. Revolution - Part 2
This is a writeup which my bandmate Terry found out on the i have added few of my views:
By: renegademusic
I have repeatedly posted this bulletin. If you think I don't know what I am talking about. Then you don't know what you're talking about! Please use this Info, take it to heart. To be a working Musician this is the best advice you could ever get. This old hippie is just trying to get an important point across.Print This and Post It At Your Band Practice Place!
1. If you're band is playing a show, get there early and stay late to support all the bands on the bill. If you guys don't support each other, then how can you expect anyone else to? Don't sit in your van until it's time to play your set, then race out with your gear immediately after.
2. You need to bring people out for your shows. Friends, family, people you don't even really like. It doesn't matter. There are very few places that allow original musicians to play. It's hard enough to convince a bar owner to allow original bands to play. The only way it can continue is to show the bar that it's working and the bands are bringing people out for it. All a bar owner sees is if this is making them money in order to stay in business. If they don't make money, then they close their doors, and another venue closes for good. This is their livelihood and the way they feed their family. If original music isn't working. They're not gonna continue it.
3. If your band doesn't have a show scheduled one night, but a couple bands you know of are playing. Come out and support them! Bands need to come out when they're not playing and support other musicians who are playing. Bring copies of your band's CD, talk it up with the bands playing that night, trade shows with them, and just market your band in general to people who are there at the show.
4. The scene can only exist if you create it. You can't go to a bar and just expect it to be packed with people eagerly awaiting to listen to new music. People are skeptical and chances are they already think you suck before you go on. So you gotta get up there and play and change their minds. Talk to them and pass out burned copies of your CD's for them to take with them. Get their email address from them and build up an email list to announce your shows. Not everyone is on myspace, although it's a
great tool to use, not everyone checks their bulletins regularly.
5. One of the biggest reasons people do enjoy local music is because they can get to know the band individually. They can attach themselves to this smaller band and make it their own. They know they can go to their shows, enjoy some drinks with them, and build up a relationship with them. That's
what starts a scene and that's what needs to exist in order for original music to survive.
6. Don't sit back and say "Why aren't people coming to our shows". Chances are people don't know who the hell you are. Spread the word. A 100 pack of CD-R's are cheap enough. Burn copies of them and pass them out. Even if it's only a 3 song sampler. Give a copy to the kid working the drive thru at Wendy's or pumping your gas at BP. Sure, everyone wants to press some legit CD's and look professional, but that costs money and then you need to sell them to make the money back. Then you're asking people to buy your CD when they don't even know you. If you hand them a simple burned
copy, chances are they will throw it in their CD player in the car and check you out.
7. Early, is on time! On time, is late! Be at the venue when you're
supposed to be, ready to play!
We work hard at this, just as you work hard at
being a band and making music. There's no one person who works harder than
anyone else involved in this scene. Everyone plays some type of crucial
part. The kid who goes out and flyer's, the bands who create music, the
promoters who pull it together, the venues who thankfully still allow this
to go on. They're all equal. This doesn't work without everyone pulling
together to make this something that people want to be a part of. If we're
putting on great shows and spreading the word out to people who might not
have an interest in listening to original music, it may change their minds.
As a musician for over 35yrs every word was worth repeating. You younger
cats get a grip on all of this stuff, like now. Your Band or or Name rides
on knowing this stuff, and use all of it, ti's great advice so use it!
That was it from Him. And it seemed to have coered almost everything..
However i would like to add a few things from India's point of view:
1. Its time all bands started being open minded and support each it Hindi, Metal, or an language..if you don't like it, dont go for their show..but dont bad mouth them...its not cool!
2. Want to spread your songs? strike a deal with other play their songs during shows and they play yours..make a compilation of all the local bands and spread it during shows...that way more audience gets to hear more bands including..
3. Please understand that there is no competition between bands...your biggest competitor is the general mentality of people to not accept original music and free downloads...
I have grown up in music with my bandmates and best buddies Adi, Alok and Terry and I know they are the best musicians I could have ever worked with..although we have our own share of ups and downs but we never give up...and thats what keeps us going :-) And thats all a Band not give up!
Listen to our music online at -
And do support us when we come out with our first album!!:-)